Objective: To establish the method of quantitative determination of oleanolic acid in Oldenlandia diffusa ( Willd.) Roxb* Methods: TLC scanning. 前言:目的:建立白花蛇舌草中齐墩果酸的含量测定方法。
Objective: The antimicrobial effects of the extraction of Oldenlandia diffusa ( Willd) Roxb were observed. 前言:目的:观察白花舌草提取物的抗菌实验效果。
He also committed the development of She Chan Capsule and Oldenlandia diffusa intravenous injection, which is one of "Torch Plan" of Ministry of Science and Technology. 承担了科技部“火炬计划”麝蟾胶囊和白花蛇舌草静脉注射液抗癌新药研发工作。
Objective To explore the inhibition of Oldenlandia diffusa in experimental colorectal carcinoma and its antitumor mechanisms. 目的探讨白花蛇舌草等中药在体内对大肠癌的抑制作用和抑瘤机制。
Results 10 peaks were obtained on the HPLC fingerprint from Oldenlandia diffusa. 结果共标出白花蛇舌草药材10个共有峰。
The Anti-tumor Activity in vitro of Ethanol Extract from Oldenlandia diffusa 白花蛇舌草提取物的体外抗肿瘤活性
Methods: The efficacy of air combined with oldenlandia diffusa enema reduction in 47 cases of infantile intussusception was compared with that of routine air enema reduction in 107 cases. 方法:使用白花蛇舌草针剂与空气灌肠整复小儿肠套叠47例(治疗组),与传统空气灌肠整复治疗的107例(对照组)进行疗效对照。
Immunomodulatory Activity and Anti-Tumor Activity of Oldenlandia Diffusa in vitro 白花蛇舌草的免疫学调节活性和抗肿瘤活性